The girls with the “Zias” (Italian for 'aunt'). The women of the Community are very attentive to teaching the younger girls modesty of dress, something that society has lost.
The kids love all the Community members like one big family. The inner relationship with other is what the human heart yearns for.
From all corners of our nation, Our Lady has called single men and women to the Community. These men and women, both young and old, each have a vocation story of how Our Lady has called them here, what they had to walk away from in the world to get here, and an understanding in their hearts of what it means to:
“give witness by your life. Sacrifice your lives for the salvation of the world.”Our Lady of Medjugorje, February 25, 1988
For some of them, the consecrated life has clearly been shown as a lifetime calling. Others give their lives over to Our Lady in peace waiting for Her to show them which direction their lives will take. The single consecrated are also the most fluid members of our Community. Without restrictions to travel with or leave behind responsibilities of children, they are usually the ones to run our Mission House in Medjugorje. They are the ones called on to respond quickly to any need of the Community and do so with the joy of one truly serving the Mother of God with no strings attached as St. Paul taught. Their lives are fruitful, and the graces they receive from their consecrations will last them the rest of their lives, regardless of what their state of life may be. For those single consecrated who came here with a lot of “baggage” from the ways of the world, their walking into consecrated life serves to purify their hearts and minds and is a beautiful way for God to make clean their slate to be better “extended hands” for Our Lady. Zio and Zia are the Italian names for “Uncle” and “Aunt,” and are the titles given to these community members. To a Caritas kid, they are the names for those special friends in their lives, outside of their parents and their peers, who love them, care for them, guide and discipline them. They are the consecrated singles of our Community; young men and women who have dedicated their lives to Our Lady to discern their vocation, and others who have made the decision to offer their whole lives as a single consecrated to serve Our Lady in Her plans. They have slumber parties for the kids in the Tabernacle and campouts in the mountains. They are always ready to read a story, help with schoolwork, or share a batch of freshly baked cookies. They laugh the hardest at the kids’ jokes and give a hug or pat on the back when one is most needed or deserved. Their lives are one of great sacrifice, yes, but the grace they receive from Our Lady and the fruit they produce in the lives of our children and those who visit here is abundant.

One of the “Zias” playing with the little girls in an empty office that for a few minutes became a bear hunt for the little ones. The freedom provided by our way of life allows for constant interaction between little ones and adults, building security in the hearts of children and strong relationships that will last for life.

The consecrated singles spend time with the youth and help mold them to Our Lady’s way.

Our kids are always in safe hands in the Community.